Ku Klux Klan and The Asymmetric Information

     As the result of civil war, which freed the Blacks from slavery period, the White skin races feared the domination of the blacks where they will turn the white to slavery, roughly as revenge. At this period of time, The Ku Klux Klan emerged and gained popularity among the whites, who shared the same fear.

     The Ku Klux Klan was established in 1865, it was formed by 6 confederate general armies, actually, the Ku Klux Klan itself, was originally a harmless midnight prank, but soon, it grew to a multistate terrorist organization. According to history, it is covered that Ku Klux has a side meaning of kuklos, a Greek word of the word “circle”. So, what do they do?

     Substantively, The Ku Klux Klan’s mission is to prevent of all existing political action that is not in accord to their member. Some examples of their activities is to suppress the blacks by preventing them from obtaining the right of armed, right to elect, and reduce the activities of any school that has blacks in it. Worse, they’re trying to make them return to the slavery by reducing their populations.

     There was a time when the organization was frozen for a while. However, a revived Klan significantly claimed about 8 million members in the late 1920s. They claimed the Southern, Catholics, Jews, communists, unionists, immigrants, agitators, and other disrupters as their enemies. The society began to worry about the Ku Klux Klan wild activities. Who could prevent this?

     Then, there was a man named John B. Stetson. Who was he? John B. Stetson was a man whom his name was used as nowadays Stetson University. He covered himself with a name Stetson Kennedy to remain incognito. His mission was going in undercover disguise with his covered name, to damage the Klan the most, and brings them to fall apart. Many attempts was used, but returned nothing.

     History indicates that his frustration led him to an idea. His idea was found when he saw kids, playing as a secret agent, or international superspy. The major idea of this game is by sharing passwords they get to each other. They got this game from a radio station called “The Adventures of Superman”. Soon, he called the producer of this radio program, offering him an episode about The Ku Klux Klan, where Superman will banish the entire organization.

     Kennedy told everything about the passwords like “Mr. Ayak (Are You A Klansman?)” or “Mr. Akai (A Klansman Am I)”. Also, he told the producer about roles played by their member. A week after the broadcasted radio program, the Klan meeting was attended by everyone, but something different occurred there, where the members discussed about this radio program, followed by kids who played the role as the member of Ku Klux Klan, revealing their passwords. Immediately, the Klan changed its password to “Death To Traitors”. As soon as Stetson got this information, he dedicated this information to the producer of the radio program (The Adventures of Superman). Thus, the next Klan meeting was dropped dramatically, and the application of the member recruitment fell to zero. So, where is the information asymmetry here?

     The fear that is written at the first part of this writing is similar to the fear that you have when you want to sell your house. You fear of your own house, of not getting it sold according to the market price whilst the whites feared that their domination would be avenged to slavery. This kind of situation is being abused by the Grand Dragon as well as Real Estate Agents, to sell their ideas to public. Both of them become the expert of information. This is where information asymmetry occurs.

     What Stetson did, was to eliminate the asymmetric information owned by The Grand Dragon, by publicizing it through a radio program (The Adventures of Superman). This information contains passwords, gossips, and agendas from the Ku Klux Klan. By publicizing it he made the information became symmetry. Thus, the Ku Klux Klan has become inclusive.

The History of the Ku Klux Klan


This is a short made video from the Youtube ID "http://www.youtube.com/user/emily1307" 
showing the history of the Ku Klux Klan, and what do people said about them.What the Ku Klux Klan did before will be explained simply by this video.

Copyright © 2011 Ionwyn Sean